Patch Library

In Midi WorkShop there is the Patch Library Window it allows you to have a direct link to your hardware Synth or Sound Modules presets. This feature is not used much these days because most all new synths have a software program to access the presets already. If you use older hardware then this feature will be helpful.  To learn more about the Patch Window in Midi WorkShop watch the video below.

This video will show you the Patch Library Window and how it works.

Here is an old website from long ago but still alive here that has 350 Patch files that you can easily copy and make your patch files for the 350 pieces of gear listed. You can also download a Patch Converter that will take a Cakewalk Instrument Definition file (.ins) and create a SAWStudio Midi WorkShop (MWS) Patch Definition (.ini) file from it. OPEN